Harry Whitaker nous a quitté, il y a quelques jours. Voici notre hommage à cette figure méconnue mais essentielle :
At the beginning of the 70's, Harry Whitaker has been a key musician in Roy Ayers' band. He helped him to record such classics as "He's Coming" and"Coffy". This pianist has also been a big part in Eugene McDaniels masterpiece, "Headless Heros of the Apocalypse". Those contributions are already huge...but incomplete. Because Harry Whitaker is before everything mythical to have thought, written, produced and recorded one of the greatest album of all time : Black Renaissance. A soulful and comitted tribute to Martin Luther King, composed of two long tracks that mix poetry, modal and spiritual jazz. Black Renaissance has been recorded in 1976 with musicians like Woody Shaw, David Schnitter, Azar Lawrence, Mtume or Billy Hart.
Harry Whitaker passed away, a few days ago. Here is our tribute to this unsung hero.
Harry Whitaker passed away, a few days ago. Here is our tribute to this unsung hero.
et dire que Stephane Ronget voulait faire le prochain album de Rongetz foundation avec lui... la dernière fois qu'il l'a vu en concert c'était il y a quelques mois... dans une pizzeria à NY. Triste fin pour ce genie.
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ramesh kamuni.